Guatemala Yellow-naped Amazon Conservation: Saving the yellow-naped amazon

Guatemala Yellow-naped Conservation

Saving the Yellow-naped Amazon

Dr. Joyner managed this project working remotely in 2014.  One Earth Conservation financed the making of yellow-naped and yellow-headed wrist bands, which were a big success and were used in multiple countries.  Ruta de los Loros (Parrot Pathway) was also completed, and is now up at several web sites. This interactive map lifts up hot spots where birds are being protected and counted, and could draw revenue to these same reserves.  Email contact was kept up with the reserves, who continue their counting and protection. Further possible hot spots were visited by partners in Guatemala.  One Earth also funded the placement of road side signs placed as a deterrent to poaching.  In 2015 Dr. Joyner will return to the area, visiting and recruiting new hot spots, conducting training and counting, and networking with the working group, COLORES. To access the Parrot Pathway, go here.

This project will continue in 2015.

Current Partners

Takalik Abaj archeological site, Finca Serranía, COLORES
Honduras Yellow-headed Amaz